We’ve Got Everyone Covered

It’s been a while, but King’s Land Surveying Solutions is back at the keyboard with a bit of useful info to help you through the day … Ok, it may not help you through the day, but it will definitely help you through your next survey without pulling your hair out. We pride ourselves on being a local business. When you call us you get us, maybe even one of the guys working on your survey. When you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers for you specifically, and not some generic technical gab. If you interact with us on Facebook or Twitter, your efforts will never go ignored. We even take a little time out of each week to bring you a touch closer to nature in our Nature Series. In other words, we like you all a whole lot.

Even with all that greatness surrounding the KLSS name, we realize the boundaries may not be so clear as to who exactly we serve. Local doesn’t just mean the Spring area to us; KLSS serves all surrounding counties.

Just think of us a nice, soft blanket stretching comfortably over a 50 mile radius. We cover each and every one of the following counties:

  • Brazoria
  • Fort Bend
  • Grimes
  • Harris
  • Liberty
  • Montgomery
  • San Jacinto
  • Walker
  • Waller
  • Washington

Now run along, slip us into your back pocket and go tell all your friends; King’s Land Surveying — “We set the boundaries you need in life.”

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